Fation Ceka X Mark Rothko | NFT People Try Too Much, Untitled (Red on Red)
by Fation
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Mark Rothko's vast fields of glowing color voice one of the great statements of 20th century abstract art. Like those of Jackson Pollock and Barnett Newman, Rothko's early mature paintings featured loosely geometric forms that the artist found in dreams, nature, and non-Western art. By the late 1940s, all three had abandoned the use of such biomorphic forms - organic shapes of cellular, plant, and human and animal life - for a completely abstract style that signaled an irrevocable change in the way art was made and perceived. Now the mere elements of a painting - its colors, forms, and scale, - were employed to bring about a confrontation between the viewer and the work meant to evoke the vitality, ecstasy, anguish, and tragedy of the post- World War II era. Red on Red, a powerful Rothko painting, induces this abstract and powerful way of experiencing art. Here Rothko laid down three contrasting color stains on an enormous raw canvas. Standing before this work, the viewer experiences the large, rough, red square as an almost living force or power that seems to break out of the limits of any traditional concept of "picture." In this way, Rothko evokes an experience rather than illustrates one, relying on color, form, and scale to move his viewers to contemplate things transcendent, evanescent, and ultimately metaphysical. NFT People Try Too Much is Fation Ceka's addition to one his favorite painter's creations. Through this creation, Fation Ceka expresses the contrast that the strong impact of Mark Rothko's creations and the fast consumption of NFTs have.
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